Friday 26 November 2010

Standing on the Northbound Victoria line......"to Seven Sisters only!" screams a male voice on the tannoy. The platform is packed as the train arrives. Once opened there was a rush to enter. I am one of a few lucky commuters to get seated and seconds later the train is full. At Oxford Circus many disembark leaving space along the long aisle. My fingers are crossed hoping to get to King's Cross in time for the 17:10. Warren Street comes and goes - now Euston station and a reminder to "Please remember to take your belongings with you" followered by "Stand clear of the closing doors" and " Please keep your luggage with you"
Kings Cross station finally arrives and as I step out of the mouth of the train, I glanced up at the nearby clock...... 17:04. Anxiety begins to build as I zig zag my way through the crowd, running as fast as I could up the moving escalators, through the barrier and up the short flight of steps. The time is now 17:06....the clock is mocking me with it's rather annoying bright light. I ran up more steps and head straight to the concourse where I eagerly search for my train...... And there it was, in bright neon light 'One' under 'Platform" so once again I zig zag my way through through the maddening crowd to platform one just making it with just a minute to spare

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