Friday 29 April 2011

Fast backwards to last week - It's been a while since I've blogged....well what with Easter Good Friday and Monday Bank Holiday (a very weather friendly long week-end had by all), not a lot of commuting was done, just gatherings of like-minded family and friends, bbq, chill-laxing (chilling and relaxing to those of you with a blank look), Pimms on the rocks in one hand and munchies in the other et al.........
The highlight of the first day back at work after the Easter break was the plainclothed ticket inspectors (male and female) on the Piccaddilly line towards Covent Garden.
"Oyster tickets please" the female requested
"Thank you" as she handed back the tickets to their owners
"Oyster ticket please" she said stretching out for my ticket
"Sorry.......I don't have an oyster card" I proudly said, waiting for her reply
She had a  'yes!........a faredodger! look on her face.
"But I've got this" I said before she could reply
I produced my seasonal gold card ticket (all of five thousand, one hundred and eighty pound worth) and proceeded to  give it to her for inspection
"Thank you"
She took a gander then returned it to me
"Thank you"
The look of disappointment on her face was........ CLASSIC!
the look on my face was .......... SMUG!

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