Monday 7 February 2011

06:48....... Exiting the warm comfort of my humble home, entering the cold icy world. I took one look at both cars and decide to walk to the station
The cars are all covered with a layer of thick ice.
A brisk walk kept the cold at bay
07:14.......... At Station Road I spot a train at platform four and thought I was late so started walking a gear up. Other commuters were doing the same. We all gathered speed through the open barrier, up the steps, across the bridge and then........
"The seven seventeen now stopping at platform three. I saw three/four train buddies dart from platform four to take their place at platform three
I made it to the bottom of the steps and joined the back of the now crowded spot, invisible to my train buddies
No seat for me this morning, only the 'BBQ' rack.......oh well!

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