Friday, 1 February 2013

Took a local bus to the shopping mall for some 'sneekers' for our rock climbing adventure later in the week
Passed the 'Rock Cafe' hotel, 'Planet Hollywood' 'Zara' and 'Mac'
Walked out of Zara's
The dress I bought last week from the Westfield, Stratford branch cost forty nine pounds and the one here in Cancun, Mexico?
Seventy f****** pounds!
Rip of Britain........ I mean, Rip of Mexico!!!
 17:30...... A stroll to the spa room for my eighty minutes 'Wayak' treatment
A couple of minutes welcome and paying the 100 USD before being led to the charging room
I was politely told to undress, handed a white dressing gown with the spa emblem on the top left and a pair of white slippers
"this is the key to your locker"
She hands me the key
"Mucho Gracias"
"Let me know when you're ready"
She disappeared and I was left alone in the changing room
I undress and swapped my day wear for the dressing grown and sippers
And like magic, she appeared and led me to the massage parlour 

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