Monday, 31 January 2011

07:10........ A sombre walk through the barrier, up the steps, across the bridge and down the steps, where we joined two more train buddies; long tall J and our honorary female buddy, the good doctor
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
"Bad news I'm afraid"
"I got a text from ***** something about 'not looking good for us in St Neots...... so I'm guessing there's no seat this morning..........a repeat of yesterday morning then"
More buddies arrive, then the train slowly makes its way to platform four and invites us in
Surprise! Surprise! There are no vacant seats. I found myself occupying the rack AGAIN!
First Capital Connect our robbing their commodore.......... I'm paying £
five thousand, one hundred and sixty pounds a year for this service!
Programmes expose 'dodgy builders' etc............
First Capital Connect....... You Are A DODGY one too!
06:55........ No luck parking at my first option so a quick detour to my second option where I found a spot and park
"Cold morning?"
"Yes......very cold indeed!"
"Roll on summer"
A random conversation with a local
07:05...... Arrived at St Meots station, spotted a male train buddy and headed towards him
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
We stayed in the hub for five minutes and chatted
17;40......... Platform eight. Sat with two train buddies, Long tall J and one of my adopted daughters. Introduced to another female St Neotsian who's also my namesake ........ There are now four of us in total
We're like...,.growing in numbers!!!!
Wr chatted all tje way to St Neots, interrupted only when we had to go out separate ways
My nightmare journey on the Victoria line commences..........
My normal entrance was a 'no go area' and myself and fellow commuters were ushered along to another entrance. On reaching the underground, there was no entry through tje usual barriers but instead, we were ushered, once again, like sheep to the slaughter, to another direction 
Tightly squeezed like a tight knit jumper I glided along with the other sheep 
Platform seven........Kings Cross station and the beginning of a new working week
Then I remember......... it's also the beginning of a year of hell at Victoria station (something to do with renovation of escalators!
F***! F***! F***!
I really don't know how my journey will be affected........ Watch this space, I say!
Southbound Victoria line train to Brixton arrives, offering standing room only!
I train surf in the middle aisle
Euston station arrives and goes, then Warren Street, followed by Oxford Circus where several commuters disembark
"Would you like to seat?" I offered
"No, you have it"
"Thank you"
Another gentleman.........
"Just a reminder of escalator works at Victoria. If you cannot walk up the stairs please change here" (Grren Park)
I'm walking mate!

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Now standing on platform four.
Three more train buddies arrive and join in the conversation......... Weekend shenanigans et al
07:16....... A platform alteration sees a mad dash to platform three, not a good sign
The train arrives with a sly grin on it's face. The door slides open and invites us in. There is 'no room in the inn' however I manage to secure a seat on the luggage rack
Just as the train steams fast into Stevenage, one of our male buddie from another station kindly offered his seat
"Do you want to do a swap?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes........quickly, before the train stops and someone takes it"
So we did a quick swap. What a gentleman!
06:55......... Raine (my feista) is looking sad and frozen, iced back, front and sides
After a couple of minutes scrapping, I drove off in the bitter darkness that surrounds St Neots
Nope!......No space at usual spot........ Doh!
Yep!....... A tight squeeze at second option and five minutes to get to St Neots station. My namesake was in front of me at the entrance of the station's hub. Not one for shouting in public, I managed to catch up with her at the bottom of the first set of steps
"Good morning" A gentle tug on her faux fur coat
She turns and smiles
"Good morning"
"Did you manage to park on Blah! Blah! Blah!
"No...... I got a lift in"

Friday, 28 January 2011

As I approached Victoria underground station, I could hear a high pitch noise but wasn't quite sure where it was coming from then I notice a commotion coming from the stairways of the underground
The noise was from the station and I soon realised that only commuters exiting but none allowed to enter so I went to investigate the other entrances and was met with the same. I must have missed the reason given but I decided to head back to my original starting point which I concluded to be less crowded
Approximately five minutes later and with further ado, we were able to enter
17:22........ I'm hoping to catch the 17:40
The train stops at platform five and spits us out
"Have a good day"
"You too"
Arrived at the southbound Victoria line just as the train arrives........ Yes!
Stood until the next station, Euston
"Take your pick" said the male commuter standing next to me
There were two available seats, on either side
"Thank you" I said and sat
We were advised to take alternative station instead of Victoria 'due to faulty escalators'
Well I have no f****** choice!
Yesterday morning, I like many other commuters had no choice but to walk up the escalators!!!
Both escalators are in working order!

Thursday, 27 January 2011

07:14............Finally at St Neots station and now standing alongside long tall J
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
And just as the train arrived, two more train buddies walked down the steps and joined us
Only one train buddy on the train this morning
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
We took our place nearby and chatted all the way
06:53......... Thank God it's Friday! Even the cold air couldn't dampen my 'Thank God it's Friday' feeling! But did it last?......... Hell no!
My usual parking spot had a small gap left and I had tried but failed to squeeze Raine (my feista) into it! Back and forth.........the feeling similar to that of struggling to pull up that slightly thight pair of jeans!
That feeling is now five percent dampened
After several attempts, I stubbornly gave up and drove to my second spot for parking
The next station is St Neots
Stevenage went by quickly as did Hitchin.
The train is not as packed as before, in fact, there are several vacant seats
I am sat next to a mid(dle-aged)twenty year old. She's engrossed in her 'Elle' magazine
We're just leaving Arlesley and now heading for the next station, Biggleswade
As the train stop and the doors opened, the cold winter wind enters like an unwelcomed visitor and sits between me and my neighbour, sending a shiver through our bones
"The next station is Sandy"
"The next station is Sandy" repeats the tannoy
Yes! We f****** heard you the first time! So shout it!
"This train is for Peterborough" it continued
Well, you don't say!
Twenty sixteen now and even fewer commuters remains.
After work I met up with my old school friend, my BFF, BEST FRIEND FOREVER, my 'blood' sister
We hugged and kissed before making our way to Cardinal Place in Westminster.
We decided to eat at Nando's ordering a 'platter' meal for two and four regular side dishes and water and wine to wash it down with
This was our 'us time' and we planned to make the most of it.
We caught up with what's going on in our lives and ate olives whilst waiting for our meal. It's funny........ Although we text and sometimes speak on the phone, the last time we shared each others company was the summer of two thousand and nine.......... yes you heard......Nearly a year and a half.
But listening to the easy flow of our conversation........the rapport we had, you would have thought our last meeting was yesterday.
We ate, we drank, we talked and drank some more and before we knew it the time slipped by
After saying our goodbyes at Kings Cross we go our seperate ways
I feel a warm glow inside........ It was GREAT meeting MY BFF!
19:27............ On the nineteen twenty two train from platform four. Lady luck was on my side as the train had been scheduled to depart at nineteen twenty two but for some unknown reason didn't, but eh! am I complaining? Hell no!
I settle in for the long haul - this is the slow train after all
The trains arrives at it's first station, Finsbury Park. There is only standing room
Just missed the northbound Victoria line train from platform four. The train was directly behind it. It's one of the new trains but alas, standing room only
Euston has passed
"The next station is Warren Street, change here for the Northern line......"
"The next station is Oxford Circus, doors will open on rhe right hand side. Change here for Bakerloo and Central line....."
I manage to secure a seat.
The next stop is Green Park station...... then Victoria station, where I jump off......... It reminds me of the leaflet from lastnight...... I must remember to read it!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

The train arrives and takes us on board.......... Just us St Neotsians this morning....... No other buddies from Huntingdon or Peterbrough station
One of the topics of conversation this morning....... Pet hates....... Hatred of pets.......
"I can't stand rats!"
"Rats...... or mice?"
"I read they've got rats at number ten"
"I know........"
"I'm not talking about the two-legged ones"
We laughed!
Spiders and snakes are mentioned as well
Stevenage station arrives and off we go!
No room (seats) for the new load of commuters....... standing room only, I'm afraid
06:50.............I parked in the last available spot and did my usual walk to St Neots station. It's so cold! Cold enough to snow
I'm sure I heard the weather forecast of snow........ yes, SNOW!
Gatwick I think....... but don't quote me though!
Arrived at the station at four minutes past seven so I join the early birds huddled together in the hub.
Several minutes past before I spot a train buddy entering the hub
"Not going up?"
"Well, I was trying to keep warm"
It's our honorary female train buddy, the good doctor
He walks through the barrier and I follow suit
He confirmed that he had passed the books onto his good wife........ A couple of academic books I had promised to loan her
We continued talking all the way to platform four. We were shortly joined by four more train buddies
Each passing station was fraught, willing the train to sped up or the time to go back........ My chance of boarding the eighteen forty is looking slim
Off the underground train by eighteen thirty seven and flew up the escalators, through the barriers, up the steps then more steps only to come face to face with a blank departure board!
F***! F***! F***!
I muttered under my breathe! I'm now frantically looking for signs; first platform eight, the nearest to me....... no train!
Platform seven?..... no train!
And so on....... then I spot 'Peterborough' and made a last minute dash to the first carriage, making it........ just in time!
Breathless but not quite dead on my feet, I make my way through the carriages until I couldn't go any further and sat on the last available seat
18:26...........northbound Victoria line to Kings Cross. Inside the station, Transport for London staff are handing out leaflets
"Please take one if you are a regular user of this underground"
So I take one from a male member of staff
"Thank you"
Getting through the barrier was hell..... so crowded, God help us if there were to be an incident!
Anyway....... Back to the leaflet......
'How escalator refurbishment work at Victoria Underground station will affect journeys'
The train arrives before I could open up the leaflet so I resigned to read it later and placed it in my handbag
For some reason I couldn't get into my blogging site this morning......... So like a drug addict without a fix I went into meltdown mode throughout my journey from St Neots station to Kings Cross and from Kings Cross underground station on the southbound Victoria line to my destination, Victoria station. My mind was running amoke; peculiar events unfolding in front of me.......... and not being able to pen them......
This morning, I was truly HEAD F*****!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

I'm reading the 'Stylist' until my station is announced
I was handed two copies of the 'Stylist' at the entrance of Victoria station
"You've given me two"
"Can you leave one on the train?"
Cheeky monkey, I thought
And as I automatically handed one back, gentleman walking alongside me said.......
"You've given me two too"
And he returned his spare magazine and laughed
17:33.......... Walking towards platform eight for the seventeen forty to Peterborough. I enter at the usual carriage but alas I couldn't find a vacant seat and I wasn't going to stand all the way if I could help it so............. I did a quick u-turn out of the carriage, going one carriage behind........... Yes! Several choices for me!
I am now sat next to a young man playing with his silver DS
17:18..........just missed a northbound Victoria line train but before I can say 'Bob's your uncle' another train arrives, stops, opens and lets in mentally exhausted looking commuters, going onward to their humble home for a well deserved rest. I and many others secure a seat. Green Park station brings several more commuters, then Oxford Circus where a crowd joins us but they are not so lucky - standing room only. So many people talking but I can't decipher what they're actually saying....... so confusing!
In my world..........
Everyone will freeze and only one conversation at a time would ensue so I could hear and even join in, before freezing them, going to the next conversation and so on and so on

Monday, 24 January 2011

I'm sat in the two by two facing seats, nearer the window, which has got its pros and cons.......
Yes........ I can gaze out of the window
No.......... I don't get the chance to stretch out my legs!
Ok....... Where was I?
I'm sat near the window and beside me is a rather grumpy looking, rubbery skinned, grey haired gentleman who is fast asleep clenching his fist on top of his black leather briefcase - his sausage like fingers entwined....... Fused together
I do belive it's put me off sausages for life!
Directly in front of my sat another grey haired slimmer gentleman who is also asleep. He is casually dressed and has a wry smile on his face
I'd love to know what he's dreaming about!
Besides him sits a middle-aged bespectacled woman, reading The Daily Telegraph (I think)
I am sat away from the rest of the train buddies and sadly nit in earshot of this morning's bunter
Stevenage comes with it's own baggage of commuters, but alas, standing room only!
06:57.........Reversed Raine out of the drive and begun my way to St Neots station. So far lady luck has not been kind to me this morning, why?
1) I had to wait for a parked van to move away as it had blocked my drive
2) The two traffic lights on my journey both turned red as soon as it saw me
3) My usual parking spot was full
I drive further to my next optional parking spot and......... this time lady luck smiled upon me.
I parked and walked across to the station, through the barrier, up the steps, across the bridge, down more steps and into the bosoms of two train buddies, then there were three, then four, then five.
We chatted and laughed and before long, the train arrived
I turned left! left! left!
Our usual carriage was already nearly full bar a couple of vacant seats. I had more chance of securing a seat by going left and did I?
YEP! You bet!
17:21..........Here we go again.... head tilted back, eyes gazing up towards the departure board, waiting dutifully to be told what platform
Platform five........for the five forty. I see a train buddy but couldn't get her attention, so I follow towards platform five, board and........there she was, sat and reading the Evening Standard
"Shopping?" she asks
"No.......just work" I replied
And so on and so on
There are no other train buddies but we engage in conversation with familiar faces from St Neots
"Did you hear about the bomb blast at Moscow airport?
"Don't think anyone's taken resposibulty for it yet"
"Well........ I for one don't thing the Russians are going to take it lightly"
"There'll be repercussions!"
On the northbound Victoria line train to Kings cross. Mother Nature is toying with me......... A few minutes after departing from my office, I felt trickle of rain followed by more forcing me to get my umbrella out of my handbag.........Sod's law eh!
Dry all day and just when it's time to go home......... It f******* p***** down!
Green Park, Oxford Circus and Warren Street station whizzes by and I'm still standing... then Euston and I'm off next stop
Gangway PLEASE!
We the train buddies huddle together taking over most of the carriage and fast sped each other with our week-end activies.
The joker of the group was quiet this morning.........I don't believe Monday is a good day for him (weekly battery not yet fully charged eh!). He is sat directly opposite me and is 'reading' his morning newspaper quietly, but not for long........
He raised his head from behind the paper and begins......
"Two people came knocking at my door on Saturday........' he's looking serious as he continues. He has now captured the attention of all the group.
".........talking about bread and how brown bread is good for me. I told them that I loved white bread"
"Who were they?"
"Hovis Witness's!"
And we roared with laughter!
What a start to the working week eh!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

07:08....... Standing alone at the usual spot on platform four followed by long tall J
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
"Loved the Chinese food yesterday"
"So did I, but shame about the service"
"Blah! Blah! Blah!
"Blah! Blah! Blah!
Before long we were joined by the honorary female train buddy, the good doctor
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
Now three of us are talking about yesterday's Chinese lunch
"Blah! Blah! Blah!........platform change..........07:17 now from platform three, shouts the voice on the tannoy
A mad dash pursuit and now, now I'm stood at the back!
Train arrives and three train buddies greet us on
06:53.......... Short walk to Raine (my good old reliable feista)  and I can sense a slight jealousy - why?
Yesterday I had driven Minty (my peugeot 207 cc) to the Chinese restaurant (Long Yuen Court restaurant which is just outside St Neots at the A1 Lifestyle Village), for the train buddies lunch gathering........ to celebrate our honorary female buddy, the good doctor's birthday. Thirteen of us and good fun was had by all
Choice of two parking spot this morning. Parked just after seven and took a leisurely walk to St Neots station
07:07.......... The station hub was lively for a Monday as I walked through the barrier
"Good morning"
"Good morning"........ I stuttered!
I was greeted by the usually grumpy female First Capital Connection staff. She must have had a ......

Friday, 21 January 2011

Just leaving Hitchin station now......... I think I'll have forty winks.......
The train will shortly be at Hitchin station......... The journey seems to be FOREVER tonight!
I just want to get home and discard my 'office persona' and be ME!
Am I glad to see the back of London?
"F*** yes!"
It's been a s**** week all round with a slight respite........... My lunch date 'catch-up' with cousin L
After an hour of eating, drinking, glancing at photographs and going down memory lane........ we hugged and cheek to cheek kissed, we fondly departed, promising not to leave it too long for our next meeting
I decide to stay where I was (first carriage) rather than walk through the carriages to only find no available seats.
"Excuse me please"
"Yes of course"
I settled down, forgetting to take off my coat or is it because I'm still trying to catch my breathe?
I'm sat next to a woman who's attempting to do the crosswords on page fifty-four of the 'Evening Standard'
Beedie eyes or what?
16:56......... Waved goodbye to Westminster as I made my way down the steps of Victoria station. A crowd of commuters beckon me to join them and I begrudgingly do so! I walked down the moving escalators towards the northbound Victoria line. I see a train with it's mouth slightly gapping, teasingly as it begins to close......... then shut securely before moving away. I wait, like the other commuters, for the next train......... It arrives and let's us all in. There are quite a few vacant seats to choose from
I resigned myself to catching the seventeen forty
17:05............... Now at Kings Cross underground and running up the escalators taking my chance of catching the seventeen ten. I dodged through the barrage of bodies and glimpsed 'platform two'
Managed to get on the first carriage before realising that the carriage was in total darkness
"Blah! Blah! Blah!...........rebooting the train"
Followed by an excuse of ........ "If it's not done here, it'll only need to be done on our journey"
..........and we don't want that do we?

Thursday, 20 January 2011

06:50........... Out into the chilly air to be met by Mr frosty. Raine is covered in ice AGAIN! So out comes the pink scrapping glove
Found a spot to park and did the five minutes walk to the station. 07:11........
now at St Neots station
Should I stay warm in the hub and risk not getting a seat in the train or should I go up and freeze for the last six minutes?
Well......... 07:12.......... I'm now standing at platform four with long tall J and another train buddy I hadn't seen for awhile
"Good morning"
No reply.......... They were in mid-flow conversation
"Good morning" I repeated
"Good morning"
And I too joined in the conversation before being joined by two more buddies. The train arrives on time and only one male buddy on the train, well it is FRIDAY!
17:30............ Just got off the tightly squeezed northbound Victoria line train and making my way towards Kings Cross concourse. At least I don't have to rush; a leisurely pace towards platform one. Embarked at usual carriage and got the last available vacant seat, beside a clean shavened middle-aged gentleman
I spot a train buddy and we exchange bunter before settling down next to my neighbour. He's reading the Evening Standard, back to front - sports page first?????
Just passing the Emirates football stadium and our final destination, Kings Cross beckons
Laptops are put away, so are newspapers, books and gadgets. Coats are reinquinted with their owners
Met another train buddy on my way towards the southbound Victoria line
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
We exchange pleasantries and board the train together. Euston station and I bagged a seat, great!
Just left Oxford Circus, next Green Park and then......... Victorious Victoria station!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

07:04.......... Standing in the hub at St Neots station. It's too cold and too early to stand at the platform. Two queues have gradually formed; one for newspapers and hot beverages, the other for tickets.
07:10......... It's getting rather packed in the hub so I took the obstacle walk towards platform four........ First one at the usual spot (for a change), followered by my 'adopted' daughter, then long tall J, a newly converted train buddy, then the good doctor closely followed by another......... Six in all. The train arrives in time and although I was first in the queue, I entered third! We sat closely together and chinwagged all the way
A middle-aged facial haired gentleman sits besides me, with his laptop in the middle table, opposite directly in front of me, is also middle-aged with pepper grey hair. He has his MacBook on his lap tapping away....... Beside him is our newly converted train buddy fiddling with his mobile
The other group of four........ Sat three more buddies and a an unfamiliar face....... They are the 'paper' group......... Either reading newspaper or writing in diaries
In my world...........
There are two groups; the gadget group and the paper group
'Platform four has just come up and.......... Like athletes at a marathon run.......
It's amazing how determined commuters are when rushing for a train. I managed to get a seat, albeit next to an unshavened young man playing with his DS. His thumbs were manic! I've never seen thumbs move that quick!
18:27.......... The carriage is already full and standing room only. I spot Mr Grumpy a-yonder but we don't acknowledge each other
My neighbour has put away his DS and is now listening to music on his Nokia phone
Suffice to say..........I missed the seventeen forty doh!
Now I'm standing at Kings Cross concourse waiting for the eighteen ten platform to reveal itself
I'm hoping to get a seat, unlike last night
17:22......... At the mouth of Victoria station when....
Brrrr! Brrrrr! Brrrr!
My favourite male cousin is on the line
"Blah! Blah! Blah!.......... lunch date on Friday"
"Blah! Blah! Blah!'s in my diary"
"Speak to you soon"
Through the crowded barrier, down the escalators, straight into more crowds...... Moments later and an empty train arrives and within seconds it is PACKEED SOLID! I am stuck bang in the middle aisle playing 'guessing game' with other commuters........
"Who's touching whose particular anatomy!!!!
Daylight sexual assault or what?

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Stevenage station.......... A young female commuter beside me stands as the doors open and I noticed a middle-aged St Neotsian woman, who had been standing, struggling to gather her bags and take the now vacant seat beside me but alas a whippet, I mean a young woman had got to the seat first! Now the St Neotsian woman has resigned herself to the floor........ Oh dear!
A handful of standers this morning.
06:50........... Inside my humble abode........ NICE!
Outside my humble abode........... NOT NICE!
It's dark, it's icy cold and mother nature has left a present on my car, ice and more ice! Raine is covered with the b***** thing! So on with the ice scrapper gloves and away I go. Finally departing five minutes later. Car parking this morning was easy, so I parked and did the five minutes walk to St Neots station. The honorary female train buddy, the good doctor was first at platform four
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
Then I was closely followered by two more train buddies. After exchanging morning greetings, we chatted happily until the seven seventeen arrived and in we go, right! right! right!
"Good morning"........said in unison to three more train buddies who were already sat in our usual carriage
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're now arriving at London Kings Cross, platform eight"

Here comes a Southbound Victoria line train....... Standing room only!
"Squeek! Squeek! Squeek!.......... Nop! Not a mouse or a family of mice but........ It's the rusty old train making that continuously annoying noise!
Next station is Oxford Circus and a gentle reminder "to take your belongings with you" followed by " stand clear of the closing door" before moving in to Green Park station. A slight detour this morning....... Victoria station? Yes, but onward to West Croydon station
08:20.......... The train arrives and I was lucky enough to find a seat. I sit and strip off my coat and gloves and settle down for the fifty minutes ride to Kings Cross
I gaze out of the moving train and can see fields, slightly blue sky and the sun........... yes, the sun is gently smiling, perhaps a subtle sign to reassure me that I should remember that there's a purpose, a reasoning to everything that happens beyond our control.
Stevenage brings more commuters but no vacant seats for them, so like some of my St Neotsian comrades, they have no choice but to stand
08:14........... Standing at platform four waiting at the usual spot directly close to the steps and waiting for the eight twenty. There is just one other commuter, then three more. I look up the steps and saw a train buddy coming down, clasping a hot drink in her hand
I smile, she notices me and smiles back
"Good morning........and a Happy New Year as this is the first time I've seen you this year"
"Good morning to you too"
We chatted for a minute or two
"I'm going further.......(she points to the end of platform four).......more chance of a seat there.
"Have a good day"
"You too"
07:58............ A slow walk down my drive towards Raine (my fiesta)
I am not looking forward to the event that awaits me and some of my fellow colleagues, for, we take a journey that saddens us all..........
That last goodbye to a fallen colleague who left so suddenly, so young, on the first day of a new month, a new year, for a celebration of his life, for remembrance of his individuality, his unassuming ways, his silent charm and modesty.

Monday, 17 January 2011

..........Yep! I missed it! Now I'm standing at the concourse like a lemon, looking up at the giant departure board. The next fast(ish) train is the eighteen ten. I must be bored as I'm finding myself listening in to other commuters mobile conversations
"I'm at the station........ pick me up at blah! blah! blah! I bet she's talking to her husband
" right hand draw........" Another married commuter
"........No I couldn't believe he said that either!" A he said, she said gossiper
Back to the exciting departure board............ Platform five for the eighteen ten so we did the quick quick step all the way from the concourse, to platform five to the usual carriage. I spotted our honorary female train buddy, the good doctor and 'Mr Grumpy'.
"Hello there"
I sat beside the good doctor and we begin to chat. Mr Grumpy is sitting directly opposite the good doctor
"Happy New Year" I said to Mr Grumpy as this was the first time I'd seen him
"Happy New Year to you too"
We were lost in translation as we chatted all the way to St Neots
17:28............ Northbound train to Kings Cross.  The Victoria line escalators is busy...... both the left and right queue was at a standstill so I waited (in)patiently in the queue and .......... missed the train!
The next train came within minutes and departs from  the station
I am sat sandwiched between a grey haired man, playing on his iphone and a young woman with her arms tightly crossed against her chest
We're now at Euston station and there's four minutes between me, Kings Cross and my train to St Neots
It'll be a miracle if I get it!
08:10....... Southbound Victoria line train to Victoria. Stood near a young man with hearing difficulties...... Why would I say that? Because he had his music on so f****** LOUD!
Thankfully he got off at Euston station!
I have upgraded to the long aisle. Warren Street and Oxford Circus stations have come and gone but alas no vacant seats. Even Green Park brought no respite.......... Standing room all the way matey! Victoria station beckons
07:00........... Introduced myself to Raine (my good old fiesta) as I didn't use her at the weekend
I managed to squeeze her into the last space on the road nearest to St Neots station.
7:13.......going down the last few steps before reaching platform four and joining the 'usual suspects' train buddies....... Long tall J, my namesake and our honorary female, the good doctor
"Breathe in....... Breathe out!"
"Good morning all"
What are you talking about?" I asked inquiringly
"I can't button up my jacket!" replied my namesake
"I was actually talking about you and your 'blogging'
And so on and so on until the train arrived and let us in where we proceeded to join two more train buddies
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
We sat huddle together and brought each other up to speed with our weekend antics.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

My only commuting tomorrow is for my annual full (body) MOT! Not looking forward to the pulling and prodding,  but eh, it's got to be done
19:10......... Platform eleven (yep! loser's platform!). Met up with L and had a scrumptious meal at Wagamamas at Cardinal Place, Victoria and had 'catch-up' reminiscing about ones youth..... It's good to go back to one's younger days
Now sat on one of the raggerty trains (eight carriages only!)
The leg room on these raggerty trains seems somewhat tight but at least I'm seated
My stomach is full and a tad rotound........ that's what good food does...... good food washed down with green tea
I'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to all those who helped me to regain my composture
It's given me an extra faith in mankind
Now to get rid of my rosy cheeks!
An incident took place on the southbound Victoria line train that as put an embarrassing smile on my face.......
Picture this..........
I'm on the train standing room only. I'm standing at the long aisle minding my business, the doors closes and the train begins its journey.........when moments later.......... Wham bang! I'm on my arse on the floor!
"I'm sorry!" I repeated again and again.........
So many hands trying to first, stop me falling, then helping me up
"Are you ok?"
"Are you alright?"
"Hope you didn't hurt yourself!"
"Yes.......I'm ok!"
"Yes......... I'm alright!"
"No....... I didn't hurt myself!"
And then I found myself apologising profusely!
I wish the ground would swallow me up
The train arrives and takes us wet souls into it's dried belly
I am now sat next to a young woman who is reading her free copy of the 'Stylist'
I notice a man that I usually see on the eight twenty platform four deposit his jacket on the rack. He then begins to strip........ Yes, you heard! Not what I'm asumming you're assumming! He's a cyclist and normally strips off his cycling gear on the platform but this morning he was late........hence stripping on the train
I saw a middle-aged woman in a red coat walking towards the vacant seat from the opposite way
"Excuse me please" she said to the man already sat beside the vacant seat
He looks up then begins to stand
"I'm sorry but that seat is already taken" interrupts the cyclist and points at his jacket above
"I'm just taking these off" he points at his wet proof cycling trousers
She stares at him, not amused and walks past him straight into the first class carriage......
I bet she hasn't got a first class ticket though!
07:55....... On the short drive to the station. Not a good deal on parking this morning. My 'usual' parking spot was taken albeit it a small gap (not big enough for Raine) so I had to drive further afield to my second 'usual' parking spot
08:11...... finally parked and standing on platform four waiting for the eight the rain
A hooded faceless man joins me. He turns facing the car park and begins to flap his arms about.........for a moment there I thought he was having an horizontal fit but then heard a tiny voice across the direction he was looking at and I smiled
"Bye bye"
"Bye bye", he repeated
"Bye bye daddy"
"Bye bye"
I think you get the gest......
How sweet........ but he did look and sound silly!
More commuters arriving. I head counted six! Unlike London, there is a orderly queue here and I'm in front!

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

It's Tuesday, the second day of the working week and guess what?
My stress level is HIGH!
First I had to stand in the middle of Kings Cross concourse squashed......... like pigs waiting to be slaughtered
I, like all the other commuters, was staring upwards at the huge departure board..... then I noticed a pidgeon perched above the board and I smiled......... Welcome to the church of the PIDGEON!
We looked as if we were worshipping the great grey bird above
Then platform two shows up and I'm floating through the sea of commuters to platform two
I met a train buddy and we Floated together
Eight b***** carriages instead of twelve!
AND to put salt in the (insulted) would we were told, on the tannoy that it should have been TWELVE!
Thanks f****** much FIRST CAPITAL CONNECT!
And we're b**** standing all the way!
Now surfing on the southbound Victoria line train. Euston station changed that as I am now sat in a vacant seat. Warren street station 'change here for the Northern line. " The next station us Oxford Circus. Doors will open on the blah! Blah! Blah!"
Green Park.... change for the Jubilee and Piccadilly line. Victoria station and I may have to take the bus
My new shoes are killing me!

Monday, 10 January 2011

Last night I watched two interesting documents: the first one was about HPV (British actor, Ray Winstone's daughter, Jaime Winstone was talking to relevant people). It's regarding some form of cancer caught from oral sex (cancer of the throat, mouth..... to name a few). Wow! What an eye opener!
The other documentary was about the sexualisation of our children. What IS our society doing to OUR CHILDREN? Everywhere they're being bombarded with it: from music video, TV, billboards to magazine and computers........ I'm so glad I am not a child of today!
Both documentaries were absolute food for thought
06:54.........out of house, in the car and off to St Neots station (or the nearby street anyway). 07:04........platform four where three train buddies stand chatting away
"Good morning all"
"Good morning"
We're then joined by a couple more train buddies, two familiar faces and one unfamiliar face
"07:17..... now from platform three"
Doh!...... so the commuters at the front (I'm one) are now at the back....... It's not f****** fair!
The train arrives and all but one train buddy manage to secure a seat. Our good doctor draws the short straw and is now sat on the luggage rack
Correction..........I did bump into two train buddies; one of my namesake and one other.
We greeted each other and chatted up the crowded stairs, across the bridge, down some more stairs, through the barriers before wishing each other goodbyes
17:00........... Warren Street station and finally seated!
These two female (tourist?) commuters were standing up blocking two vacant seats
"Excuse me...... are you sitting?"
And they continued to stand and talk amongst themselves in a language not familiar to me (Polish perhaps?)
I say tourist because they didn't seem to know where they wanted to get off. They were examining the underground tube diagram..... a minute or two later they seat and chat through Green Park station etc....... and just as the doors were about to close....... leapt out of their seats and out of the train at Oxford Circus......... and here I am, sat on one of the now vacant seats
Arrived at Kings Cross underground station at seventeen o- six and in two minds whether to rush for the seventeen ten but thought otherwise when I arrived at the concourse.
I saw a handful of latecomers dashing for platform one, had a quick glance at the board and confirmed it to be the train going to Peterborough ........ and followed suit
I am now sat at the two by two (de-ja-vu to this morning sitting)........ and a few carriage short to my normal one. I'm definitely not going to see any train buddies here!
Just passed Finsbury Park and 'Blondie' as brought out her makeup mirror to check her my world
"Oh! I'm so pretty!"
"No you're not!
Platform eight beckons as the train reaches Kings Cross station
Southbound Victoria line is quite empty. The train arrives within seconds and is surprisingly empty as well....... So did I get a seat? Yep! You bet! Monday is looking good thus far!
Next station is Oxford Circus and we're reminded to "Please take your litter with you".........
In my world......
"Please take your litter AND YOUR NEWSPAPERS with you".........
The free Metro are litter bugs in their own rights!
Victoria station next.... I'm off!
He is engrossed in his book. Facing directly in front of me is a young blonde woman reading a magazine and beside her, a young man (who I normally see on the eight twenty) fiddling with his blackberry mobile. On the table between us, are two hot drinks, one belonging to the young woman, the other the gentleman beside me
Stevenage station comes and goes, bringing in more commuters - most are not fortunate enough to be seated
Next stop is Kings Cross....... A new 'working' week has just begun and I look forward with vigour! Stress level is low (so far)
No train buddies in sight
My next door neighbour has closed his book and eyes 'forty winks' respite I'm guessing
Not yet passed Finsbury Park
I looked up to the sky and see nothing but grey clouds - Have my umbrella in my handbag so Mother Nature........ BRING IT ON!
06:55....... Had a pleasant wake up call from DOS man. It's a tad cold this morning so heating on to warm my cockles.
08:00...... a short walk to 'Raine' my reliable old fiesta (unlike 'Minty' my 'newer' Peugeot 206 - that hasn't got the same stamina) and off I drive to the nearest parking spot available within a walking distance to St Neots station
08:11....... Notice no-one standing at the front end of platform four so I walk towards it and take my place, first in the orderly queue that is naturally soon to be formed. The light has replaced the dark morning and I feel alert.
I am joined by a couple more of my fellow commuters and wait for the train's arrival......... and here it comes, on time, stopping a couple of metres away from me
A male commuter presses the 'open' button and gestures for me to go first
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"
The train is quite full this morning but I managed to get a seat
"Excuse me please....... may I?"
"Yes, of course"
It's a two by two ( which I hate due to lack of leg room!)
I take off my black 'work' coat, my scarf and sat beside a middle-aged bespectacle grey bearded gentleman

Friday, 7 January 2011

I think I'll play scrabble now..... to while away the hours
"Good evening, this is the eighteen ten to Peterborough, calling at Hitchin, St Neots, Huntingdon and Peterborough" a male voice informed us over the tannoy
A middle-aged man parks himself beside me
He smiles, I smile, he sits and just as he was settling down...... up jumps a male commuter, after hearing the tannoy and made a quick exit from the carriage
Wrong train I guessed
Up jumps the gentleman beside me
" Might as well make the most of having two seats to myself" He said
I smiled and agreed
I'm glad he did move...... he's know on his mobile talking loudly!
Shut the f*** up!
People talking loudly on their mobile is one of my pet hate....... Talk about pet hates....... I was actually doing one of them myself...... Did I hear a chorus of "hypocrite!"
Yes I know...... hands up! you got me! Ok, what was it? Well...... on the northbound underground train from Victoria to Kings Cross I was ....... reading over a commuters shoulder! Don't you just hate that!
Anyway........ Where was I?
Back on my homeward bound train for a well deserved week-end away from London
17:59.........sitting on the eighteen ten to Peterborough calling at Hitchin, St Neots, Huntingdon and Peterborough
I may be dry but I feel damp and miserable..... It's rained all f****** day!
So far I am sat alone. I notice a man using his coat as a pillow (a smile spreads across my face) There are no train buddies (so far). The carriage is filling up now AND I'm still sat on my lonesome
Managed to get the first underground train on the southbound Victoria line....... Standing room only
I am standing at the long aisle...... Actually I'm train surfing!
Oxford Circus and still surfing! Oh! Wait a minute........ Young woman now up and disembarking...... I now have a seat
"This is Green Park blah! blah! blah!"
Next station is Victoria....... I'm off!"
A middle-aged woman gets out a Amazon Kindle ereader and begins to read. I'd lobe one of them but I just don't know which one to get. The iPad is out of the question as DOS man bought me a MacBook not that long ago. I had been thinking of a Kindle 3G which cost a little bit more
I am sat next to a slightly grey-haired bespectacled woman in black corduroy trousers and light blur rain proof jacket. She's sniffing away.......
Use a B***** tissue why don't you!
08:00........Thank God it's Friday!
A bit of restlessness kept me awake until gone past one in the morning. I drove to a nearby street and parked. It's a wet morning so umbrella up to do what i bought it for......protect me!
08:09....... My short walk to St Neots station commences and by 08:14 I am stood at platform four waiting for the eight twenty fast train to Kings Cross. The arrival board is now showing 'expected 08:22'
Ok..... No problem, after all what's two minutes? I can deal with that! I wait at my seven seventeen spot (the other spot was already packed). Excluding myself, there are three other commuters alongside me. The arrival board is now showing 08:20....... so I guess the train is no longer going to be two minutes late.
Stevenage station brings in a handful of wet looking commuters
"How you doing?"
"Had a good Xmas?"
And so pm and so on.....

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Sat on the 18:10 platform one at Kings Cross. It's wet, dark and misery out but at least it's not snowing or ice! I'm one of the lucky ones who managed to get a seat. I'm sat next to a big bespectacled man (not fat, just tall and big!)
He's got his briefcase on his lap and doing the crosswords in the Evening Standard....... Well not suceeding (he's yet to write something). I wish I could see the clue but alas my eyesight is not as good as it used to be
After approximately three minutes he gives up and is now doing something similar to a crossword but crosses...... It's called 'Battleships' not quite sure how you play it though! I look out of the window and watch an empty train whizz by. I am bored and slightly peckish
09:14........ Southbound Victoria line and surprise! surprise! first train jam packed! Commuters are still trying to squeeze themselves in! And I? I move aside and let them do so...... I'm waiting for the next one..... Seconds later I'm on and able to secure a seat! What's the saying????
A patient man rides a donkey (in this case - gets a seat)
The next station is Oxford Circus ..... Change here for Bakerloo and Central line..... This is the Victoria line"
Thanks for stating the obvious!
Green Park station is the next destination then Victoria where I say a fond farewell to my fellow commuters
The train is now on a go slow. It's now light outside albeit a pea-souper! I can't see the forest for the trees! The train has gathered speed and is now merrily away to Stevenage station
So now there's three men and little old (being the operative word) me......... Nikki's Angels, Full Throttle eh!
The train arrives on time and we all get on. I am now sat beside a rather chubby middle-aged man playing with his gadget. Talking about gadgets...... There's an invasion of the gadget kind in this carriage - from my bird's eye view I can see: four laptops, one game console, one iPod and a woman gassing on her mobile
Tap! Tap! Tap!
Blah! Blah! B***** Blah!
Where's the noise pollution police when you need them?
In my world.......
" All gadgets (except mine of course) are to be confiscated and returned to their owner only at their given destinations"
06:00...... Brrrrrr! Goes the alarm. I made a spontaneous decision to give myself an extra hour lie in - no deal with the devil this morning
07:00....... Brrrrr! Alarm goes off for the second time this morning. It probably thinks it's doing overtime!
07:51....... Another spontaneous action....... Driving to the station, fingers crossed that I find a nearby parking space. Parking at St Neots' car park is expensive to say the least. One space found not too far from the station
08:02....... through the barrier. Now standing at the platform edge of platform four waiting for the 08:20. A male commuter is already there and I stand behind him. We are now joined by another gentleman, no two gentleman, the later wearing a 'Raider's of the Lost Ark' type of hat. Oh dear! Another gentleman has joined us....... With a badly dyed blond (bronze) hair! What does he look like!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

I had to fight my way through the concourse to find out which platform to go to......platform eight..... Nine minutes before departure so again, no rush. A brisk walk took me to platform eight and onto the usual carriage....... Only one seat left and it had my name on it...... then I spot one of my 'adopted' daughter
"Hello, are you feeling better?" I asked
"Not really"
Poor thing I thought....... then I spot a male train buddy siting directly behind her and we exchanged "Hi's" and waves before settling in the seat next to a middle-aged man who was engrossed in his Evening Standerd newspaper
There a a handful of commuters standing.
It's so quiet apart from the rustling of newspapers and the rumbling of the train
17:45........ A struggle to get through the barrier and the escalators at Victoria station........ Sooooo many bodies! It was standing motionless all the way down and even worse at the northbound platform. I had two chances of getting on the first train; slim and no chance! Aaaaaah! Consolation prize........ I'm at the forefront of the platform AND I bag the last seat on the next train
It's wet out so umbrella has it's first outing of twenty eleven. Arrived at Kings Cross at 17:59 and took my time as I knew that next train departure is 18:10
06:00........ Brrrrrrr! Alarm wakes me up
"Just another forty winks" I begged, stretching my arm out to silence the alarm. I pulled The duvet up and closed my eyes for the forty winks I sold my soul to the devil for
06:12........ I woke up with a start......the devil has had the last laugh!
A mad dash to the bathroom ensued; showered, teeth brushed, mouthwashed, clothes on, hair combed, face on and door slammed at 06:44
06:14........ Outside St Neots station heading towards platform four and my train buddies - all of seven of them. Plenty of chit-a-chat and laughter can be heard. The train arrives and we are welcolmed into a nearly empty carriage and another train buddy

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Moments later a train buddy enters the train and sits in front of me.
"No...... work"
A look of disbelieve shows on her face
" No........ really!"
We chatted more and then got on with what we were doing
Northbound Victoria line to Kings Cross. The platform is awash with commuters...... Commuters of all shapes, sizes, colours, ages and height. I was waaaaay at the back and had no chance in hell of getting on the first train. The train came and commuters disappeared into its mouth until there were no more space
I am now at the front of the already full platform. The train is still stationed with it's teasing mouth still ajar and I think ......... .......
Should I? Could I?
Nope! I decided against trying to squeeze in at the last minute. It finally closed and left, replaced minutes later by another one
Commuters disermbarked and I floated in, like many others, to the middle aisle...... the BO lovers' aisle!
Finally got a sit at Oxford Circus
17:27..... Kings Cross station and up the escalators I walked, through the barrier, up the steps...... more steps
I gaze up at the departure board....... Peterborough...... Platform five for the seventeen forty glared down at me
I follow the many commuters going towards platform five and embark at the usual carriage and sat beside a suited gentleman who is (e) reading from his Kindle reader
Southbound Victoria line train was waiting for me as I reached the platform and waited in line to enter it's gaping mouth. Standing room only until Oxford Circus where I bag a sit.
Welcome to twenty eleven, the first working day. The festivity is now officially OVER!
06:53......... A tad late start for my brisk walk to St Neots. I was flapping about and now I may miss the 07:17. I walked, then jogged, got a little breathless and walked again. I met my my 'bus stop' mate
"Happy New Year!" I shouted
"Happy New Year to you too!" She replied
"You're cutting it fine this morning!"
"I know!"
But did I?
Hell no!
07:15:43....... Through the barrier, up the steps, across the bridge, down the steps and presto..... the train is a couple of minutes lates. The commuters were standing on platform three instead of the usual platform, platform four. I spot three, four train buddies and walk towards them.
"Happy New Year!" said a female buddy
"Happy New Year!" chorus from the others
"Happy New Year to you all! I said and we chatted and exchanged our festive going on
"Blah! Blah! Blah!"......another platform change announcement. So platform four it is then
Then the train arrived and welcomed us into it's warm bosom and we huddled together and chatted more. Stevenage came and went without me knowing
It's still dark outside..... Something to do with the partial solar eclipse of the sun.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

After welcoming twenty-eleven at Dover Street bar we made our way through the West End of London. The city is full of 'waking dead',  something out of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' walking aimlessly around in drunk stupor wishing each other 'Happy New Year!' We bump into several so call 'celebrities'....... two young men from JLS and a young woman from Sugar Babes to name a few.
I am now sat on the 17:27 from Finsbury Park station going home on the first day of the New Year
The carriage is quiet with only eight of us plus a baby. The baby is fast asleep resting it's sleepy head on it's mother's warm chest. The mother is also asleep
It's dark outside as the train draws close to it's first stop....... Stevenage where two commuters are replaced by two more
"This train is for Peterborough"..... followed by a guard's whistle, doors closing and off we go.
"The next station is Hitchin"....... Two more commuters step out into the cold night but no-one replaces them
Arlesey station is next......
Nothing excited here, just boring sleeping farts
The next stop is Biggleswade......... The carriage doors are tightly shut! No-one in nor out
Next station is Sandy and then St Neots where I say a
mental goodbye to my fellow commuters
HAPPY NEW YEAR to my family, friends and the world!